Age Can't Conquer Knowledge

A 96-year-old Taiwanese man graduated with a master's degree at the same day with his grand son. He received his master’s degree in philosophy from the University of South China in southern Taiwan, while his grandson graduated from Chung Hua University.

Chao, 96, a retired university teacher, said he started his university studies again six years ago when his grandson, Zhao Shuangzhan, 32, was set to enroll for university.

Chao said,"He didn’t work hard at all. So to set a good example for him, I told him I am to apply for university studies with him."

Chao is known to his classmates as Grandpa Chao. He never missed a class. He need to get up at 5am each day to catch several buses to get to university.

Grandpa Chao’s thesis tutor, Chen Dezhi, said his thirst for knowledge was an inspiration to the other students.


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