Husband Helps Wife To Wake Up From Coma By Biting Her Toes

Currently a Chinese man has successfully broken the 10-year comatose state of wife by biting her toes.

She had suffered a head injury from an industrial accident and had not shown any signs of movement until one day she suddenly squeezed his wrist.

Zhang Kui, of Shenyang, China, claimed that he had tried everything he could think of to wake his wife and nothing seemed to work.

“I played the radio, sang and talked to her and even tickled her, but nothing worked. I then recalled someone saying that the feet are the home for many nerves. I wondered if I could wake her up by biting her feet,” he told the press.

Zhang would not give up and he bit her toes gently and faithfully every day for 10 years until one day, well, one day, it worked!

His wife of 27 years, Lv Fengshuang, is still unable to speak, but she can move her arms and smile.

“I got goose bumps. It was like a dead person suddenly gripping your hand,” Zhang said.

Zhang hopes that some day soon he will once again hear the voice of the woman he has loved so well and so long.


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