Researchers are hoping that a potential April Fool's time bomb -- the Conficker.c that is supposed to hit computers on April 1 -- turns out to be equally unfounded.
What is Conficker.c and what kind of damage it will do?
Conficker.c is a kind of worm. It has a malicious program. It already affected between 5 million and 10 million computers.Although these infections haven't spread for many reasons, but on April 1 a master computer is scheduled to gain control of these zombie machines.
What happens on April Fool's Day?
The program might delete all of the files on a person's computer -- those controlled by a master computer -- to overwhelm and shut down Web sites or monitor a person's keyboard strokes to collect private information like passwords or bank account information, experts said.
Who is the author of the program?
It's not clear who wrote the program, but researchers thought that a group calling itself the Conficker Cabal. The researchers also said, "Unless they open their mouth, they'll never be found,"
How can u be sure that your computer infected?
One quick way to see if your computer has been infected is to see if you have gotten automatic updates from Windows in March. If so, your computer likely is fine
Microsoft company said,"Users who haven't gotten the latest Windows updates should go to if they fear they're infected".
People who use other latest antivirus software could have been also disabled by Conficker.c.
How did the worm evolve?
Conficker -- strain A -- was released in late 2008. Now it is stronger as ever. The Conficker, strain C, will generate 50,000 URLs per day instead of just 250 when it becomes active.
What is being done to defeat Conficker?
Members of Microsoft are searching for the malicious software program's author and how to to do damage control.
They're motivated in part by a $250,000 bounty from Microsoft.
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