Cyberspy Hacking Government Network

More than 1,300 computers & 100 countries have been attacked and have gained full control of the network apparently based in China, security experts told in two reports Sunday. Computers -- including machines at NATO, governments and embassies -- are infected with software that lets attackers to get full control.

The two reports came from the University of Toronto & from the University of Cambridge Computer Laboratory.

Researchers have confirmeded about the network GhostNet. GhostNet discovered of suspicions that the office of the Dalai Lama had been hacked. Hackers gained access to computers in the Dalai Lama's office by tracking computer users into downloading e-mail attachments.

The network Ghostnet can not only search a computer but also see and hear the people using it. GhostNet is capable of taking full control of infected computers, searching and downloading specific files, & covertly operating attached devices, including microphones and web cameras.

According to reports,Chinese cyber espionage is a major global concern but the report also points out that China is not only a handful country but also the United States, Israel and United Kingdom, that are "assumed" to have considerable computer espionage capabilities.

Both Researchers found links to computers in China but the researchers did not get any information about the "malware," or malicious software.


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