Cat Nurses The Orphaned Puppies

In China a cat adopted two puppies. It is trying now to teach them how to catch mice.

Tom, the female cat nurses the puppies and washes them with tongue.

Ms Shen is the owner of the puppies. She says their natural mother, Mao Mao, died after delivering them.

"We didn't dare put the puppies in Tom's basket at first, but just outside of it. Unexpectedly the puppies crawled over to Tom and started to fight for breast milk with the kittens," Ms Shen said.

She hoped that Tom might take care properly of the puppies. she had also given birth to three new kittens. She added Tom fed them first, before her new kittens. Tom also teach them how to catch mice. She also teach them how to jump onto the sofa and hide in a corner before pouncing. on them.


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