Most Text Message In A Month - 217,000

Nick Andes, 29, and Doug Klinger, 30,the two central Pennsylvania friends spent most of March in a text-messaging record attempt, exchanging a thumbs-flying total of 217,000. For one of the two, that meant an inches-thick itemized bill for $26,000.

They were relying on their unlimited text messaging plans to get them through the escapade, so Andes didn't expect such a big bill.

This is a new text message record. The previous largest monthly text message total: 182,000 sent in 2005 by Deepak Sharma in India.

During February test run Andes & Klinger send 6,000 or 7,000 messages on some days, prompting the March messaging marathon. "Most were either short phrases or one word, 'LOL' or 'Hello,' things like that, with tons and tons of repeats," said Andes, reached by phone.

Andes sent more than 140,000 messages, and Klinger sent more than 70,000 to end the month with a total of just over 217,000, he said.

April came as a relief to Andes' wife, Julie, who had found his phone tied up with texting when she tried to call him on lunch breaks.

"She was tired of it the first few days into it," Andes said.


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