Cat Becomes Spider Man

A cat has amazed its owner by learning to climb up the walls of her house to get back in when he's locked out.

Charlie scales the walls of his master's home in Denny, near Falkirk, to sneak indoors via an upstairs balcony.

The ginger and white tomcat's gravity-defying skills have earned him the nickname 'Spider-cat', reports the Daily Telegraph.

His owner Hannah Smith discovered his talent when she let him out of the front door, only for him to reappear indoors moments later.

Miss Smith said: "Charlie miaows at the front door to be let out. So we let him out but no sooner is he let out than he wants back in.

"But if no one hears him at the front door, he wanders round to the back of the buildings to find the balcony. He then climbs up to the balcony to get back in.

"So Charlie really goes out the front door and in the back door."

She added: "I got him as a wee kitten and out of the litter Charlie was the one that looked most mischievous and I liked that about him. He's certainly lived up to his reputation.

"I think it is totally incredible how Charlie is able to climb up a roughcast wall. I've seen cats climb trees but I've never seen a cat climb a wall. It's amazing."


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