5 Kidneys Inside A Living Man

Jaswant, a photographer from Khaira Dona village, in the northwest state of Punjab, India, is a man who is living with five kidneys inside his body. Isn't it weird? But it's fact. Here is the story.

From 2004 Jaswant has undergone three transplant surgeries to replace his failed kidneys. He is now 33 years old. He gained all the three kidneys from his family members.

During kidney transplants, the failed organ is often left in the body to reduce the risk of death and complications that can result from removing it.

his first kidney transplanted at the age of 25. It was donated by his elder sister. functioned for more than a year. “However, my body rejected the kidney once I stopped post-operation medication because of financial constraints,” he said.

After two years, he received another kidney from his younger sister. But after 14 months, he was placed back on dialysis because his body rejected the organ.

Jaswant received his latest kidney from his 55 year-old mother more than a month ago.

Rajesh Agrawal, the transplant surgeon who conducted the procedure along with doctor’s Suresh Aggarawal and Sanjay Mittal; said Jaswant is not the first person in this part of India to undergo multiple kidney transplants. It is the second time in India.


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